Why is Dental Cleaning Important for Pets?


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Caring for your pet means more than feeding them and giving them a place to sleep. It also means tending to their health and well-being on a regular basis. This is especially true when it comes to something as important as oral hygiene. 

A pet’s mouth is full of bacteria that can lead to numerous problems if left untreated. Thankfully, there are steps you can take to reduce the likelihood of this happening. This can also increase the risk of them developing gingivitis or periodontal disease. 

Regular dental cleaning for pets is one way you can have a positive impact on their oral health from an early age. 

Read on to learn why it’s so important and what you should look for in a vet that offers this service. You’ll also learn some helpful tips on how you can make your pet comfortable during these checkups.

What Is Dental Cleaning For Pets?

Dental cleaning for pets is a method of removing plaque and tartar buildup from your pet’s teeth on a regular basis. 

Regular brushing is the best way to keep your pet’s teeth healthy and prevent gum disease, so be sure to ask your vet about the best brushing techniques for your pet.

There are a variety of veterinary dental products available for pets, from simple toothbrushes to more advanced products like water additives and oral rinses. Your veterinarian can help you choose the right products for your pet, based on their individual needs. 

During the dental cleaning for pets, the vet will usually use a combination of tools and techniques to achieve the desired results. 

Although the specifics will depend on the size of your pet, they will likely include brushing your pet’s teeth. There might also be root scaling, polishing their teeth, and possibly the use of fluoride treatments to strengthen the teeth further. 

Importance of Pet’s Dental Cleaning

  1. It Might Lead to Serious Complications

If left untreated, plaque and tartar can cause infection in your pet’s mouth. This can spread to other parts of their body, leading to more serious problems such as kidney disease, heart disease, and diabetes. 

  1. Prevent Tooth Decay/Loss

Another reason for pets to have regular dental cleanings is to prevent tooth decay and tooth loss. Tooth decay is a hole in the tooth that is caused by bacteria. Tooth decay can lead to infection and tooth loss. Pets with tooth decay may have bad breath, trouble eating, and drooling.

Dental problems in pets can also be extremely painful and may lead to the need for expensive and extensive dental procedures. Good dental care is essential for keeping your pet healthy and comfortable and can help avoid costly problems down the road.

  1. Prevent Plaque and Tartar Buildup

One of the most important reasons for pets to have regular dental cleanings is to prevent plaque and tartar buildup. Plaque is a sticky film of bacteria that forms on teeth, usually due to dirt on them, while tartar is hardened plaque. 

Plaque and tartar can lead to gum disease if they are not removed. Gum disease is a common infection of the gums that, if left untreated, can damage the bones and tissues that support the teeth. Pets with gum disease may have bad breath, red and swollen gums, and loose teeth. These are a few reasons why plaque prevention is crucial.

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  1. Oral Cancer

Another reason for pets to have regular dental cleanings is to screen for oral cancer. Oral cancer is usually a sore or growth in the mouth that does not go away. Oral cancer can be fatal if not treated early. Pets with oral cancer may have bad breath, trouble eating, or even die.

  1. Pain and Discomfort

Another reason for pets to have regular dental cleanings is to prevent pain and discomfort. Pets with dental problems may have trouble eating, drooling, and pawing at their mouth. Dental problems can also lead to infections that can be painful and dangerous. 

Tips For A Successful Dental Cleaning For Pets

  • Choose a vet that offers regular dental cleaning for pets. This is the best way to ensure your pet is receiving regular dental checkups and cleanings.  Not all vets specialize in dental cleaning for pets, so make sure to find one.
  • Make sure your pet is comfortable with their vet before booking their first dental cleaning. You want them to be relaxed around their owner during the examination. Keeping your pet calm during the examination at the vet’s will ensure they are examined and diagnosed properly.
  • Ask your vet if it is possible to administer anesthesia to your pet before a dental cleaning. This will make the procedure much less painful. It will also ensure your pet relaxes completely during the vet’s examination.
  • Be sure to brush your pet’s teeth daily. You can also use specialized toothpaste designed for pets. This is important because using the correct brush and toothpaste will ensure plaque and tartar are removed effectively.
  • Invest in dental chews for your pets. Dental hygiene for dogs or cats cannot be overemphasized.
  • Regularly visit your vet for yearly checkups. During this appointment, they will be able to clean your pet’s teeth and look for signs of disease. 
  • Visit your vet as soon as you notice any bleeding from the gums, yellow or brown plaque, or difficulty when eating. These are all signs that dental disease is present.

3 Steps To Ensure Your Pet Is Comfortable During A Dental Exam

  • Try to visit your vet when your pet is calm and relaxed. This will make them more comfortable during the appointment, and they may be less likely to fight or struggle.
  • Bring along a familiar item, such as a toy or blanket, to help your pet feel more relaxed. A familiar toy will help to reassure them that they are safe.

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  • Offer your pet treats or positive feedback when they are being good. This will help them feel more comfortable and relaxed and may help make the appointment go more smoothly.


The mouth is one of the most important parts of the body because it is the gateway to good health. If you want to be healthy and live a long life, you have to take care of your teeth. Dental cleaning for pets is a simple procedure that can go a long way toward maintaining oral health. It is important to start cleaning your pet’s teeth as soon as they have grown enough for their cleaning. It is also important to use the right products and techniques to ensure safety and efficacy.

Frequently Asked Questions 

  • Why Does My Dog Have Plaques?

There are a few possible explanations for why your dog may have plaque. One possibility is that your dog isn’t getting enough dental hygiene. Make sure you are brushing your dog’s teeth regularly and providing them with dental treats or chew toys to help keep their teeth clean. Talk to your veterinarian about changing your dog’s food or providing them with supplements to help reduce the plaque.

  • Why Does My Dog Find it Hard to Chew Food?

There are a few potential reasons why your dog may find it hard to chew food. One possibility is that they are missing some teeth, which makes it difficult to bite and chew properly. Another possibility is that they have gum disease, which can make the gums sensitive and make it hard to chew. It’s best to take them to the vet to rule out any underlying health problems and to get the best treatment plan.