Things to Look for in a Short-Term Rental Apartment

Short-Term Rental Apartment

When looking for somewhere to live for a short period of time, many people often make the mistake of assuming that the same things would apply as if they were looking for in a flat or house to buy.

However, aside from the general aspects such as cleanliness and accessibility, there are plenty of different things you should be looking out for. So, whether you are looking for somewhere for yourself or a loved one, continue reading to learn the main things to look for in a short-term rental apartment.

1.   The Length of the Tenancy Agreement

It may well be the case that you are fully aware of how long you’ll need your tenancy agreement to last for and as a result, this can be decided when signing your contract with the landlord.

However, if you’re more flexible on how long you’ll be spending there and even more so, if you’re hoping to stay there for as long as possible, then remember that, if you’ve signed a short-term rental contract, that you intend on continuously renewing, this could incur extra fees.

2. The Starting Date

Another incredibly important thing to remember when looking for a place or a room to rent, is that you should never feel forced into moving in on a specific date that isn’t entirely convenient and possible for you.

In some cases, people neglect to query the start date on their rental agreement and end up signing up weeks or even months to move in before they actually can. Remembering of course that as soon as you are legally renting the space, you are responsible for paying not only the rent, but all associated bills as well. Subsequently, you should think have a good think about the best date to begin your contract and stick as near to it as you can.

3.   Previous Residents

It may well be the case that your landlord is letting out a room in their home or even the entire apartment for the first time and as such, you will both be able to work things out together in a less-pressured environment.

However, if you’re intending on renting from a company, make sure that you do so from a prestigious and established business, such as, who will not only find the best property to suit your needs, but also inform you about who lived there before.

4.   The Condition of the Space

Finally, although this last point may seem particularly obvious, the truth is that for a lot of first-time renters, they tend to overlook the basic condition and aesthetics of the space and therefore may miss issues that are hiding in plain sight.

Always be extremely thorough when you’re viewing the room or property and be sure to open cupboards and drawers, ask about the heating, water and electricity supply and check for damp. You should also ask if it is near any noisy tube stations or trainlines.