What is Unified Communications and Why Does Your Business Need It?


Businesses with 100 employees lose an average of $420,000 yearly from inefficient communication practices.

Inefficient communication can make it difficult for teams to work together and collaborate. Unified Communications solutions can solve this problem by enabling team members to communicate easily from any device and location simultaneously.

Improved Productivity

Many businesses need help to improve workplace productivity because they use various systems that are difficult to integrate. This can cause employees to waste valuable time as they must constantly jump between a phone system, video conferencing, chat, and email inboxes.

However, unified communications platforms can help businesses streamline these processes and instantly get workers the necessary information. This saves time and boosts productivity across the board.

UC also helps teams stay connected, even when members work remotely or travel. By bringing email, instant messaging, and voicemail onto one platform, workers can send and receive messages, access their voicemails from anywhere, and see their colleagues’ presence status to keep them informed.

Employees can also benefit from group messaging, which enables them to capture feedback during meetings without interrupting other team members. This saves time by avoiding sending emails back and forth and can be used for future reference, especially when making critical decisions.

Whether you have a small business or a large enterprise, unified communications can help you increase efficiency and reduce costs. This technology can also be scalable, so you won’t have to worry about changing platforms as your business grows. It can positively impact your staff’s well-being, so it’s a good investment for any business!

Increased Customer Satisfaction

Customer satisfaction is one of the main goals of any business. Customers want to feel that their queries are handled quickly and efficiently.

Unified communications (UC) can help your business achieve this by enabling better communication between agents and customers. UC solutions can improve the quality of audio calls and reduce recurrences of dropped outs and crackles that often plague traditional phone lines.

Additionally, it helps to reduce frustrations for your customers, as they no longer need to spend time repeating their requests over and over. With UC, customers can connect to a chatbot or human agent and start a conversation.

The ability to communicate with clients across multiple channels also makes it easier for your team to resolve complex issues quickly and effectively. For instance, if a customer has a question about an order they placed on a website, you can answer it via chat or email while directing them to the correct department.

Furthermore, if you have an international customer who needs assistance outside regular working hours, you can quickly provide that service through a unified platform. This is possible because your team can see who’s available, update their presence status, and identify specific expertise or knowledge regarding the problem.

In addition to helping you provide excellent customer service, unified communication can boost employee productivity as well. This can be especially important for millennials looking for workplaces that offer flexible hours.

Increased Employee Satisfaction

When employees are free to work from wherever they want and at any time they choose, their productivity and satisfaction increase. Employees are also happier, improving their overall performance and retention rates.

With unified communications, employees can access their email, phone calls, chats, and conferencing sessions from any device or location. Moreover, employees can integrate with CRM software and keep detailed records of all interactions.

In addition, unified communications allow employees to respond to customers and clients in their preferred communication channel, which leads to greater satisfaction among the team members. This makes it easier for employees to stay connected with their teams and provide a higher level of service, even while they are traveling or in the field.

As a result, customer support agents can provide round-the-clock service with ease. Since they can interact with customers through multiple channels, such as helpdesk software, email, or phone, they can offer faster and more comprehensive responses.

This helps your business remain competitive in the market. Furthermore, it can help you attract a new generation of talent, as 77% of millennials are looking for flexible work hours to increase their productivity at the workplace.

Reduced Costs

Unified communications offer several ways that your business can reduce costs. This includes capital expenditure savings, soft costs, and operational costs.

Compared to traditional telecommunications, unified communications offers more flexibility and mobility for employees. This means they can work from anywhere, anytime, and on any device. It also allows teams to collaborate in real-time, regardless of the location of each employee.

As a result, your business can save on travel expenses, licenses, and hardware. It can also reduce long-distance charges by integrating communication channels like video, voice, and messaging into one platform.

Another essential factor is that UC software is regularly updated with new features and capabilities. This ensures that your business stays ahead of the competition.

In addition, UC systems are secure and reliable, which helps ensure that sensitive customer information is protected. This can also help your business maintain a good customer reputation, which is essential for your company’s growth and profitability.

With unified communications, your business can reduce costs by freeing IT staff time and resources to focus on more critical tasks. This can help your business achieve higher revenue and profit margins. It can also help your business attract and retain forward-thinking employees.