Quick Stress Management Tricks for You


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There may be times when the stress threatens to overwhelm you. But you can overcome those moments if you have a store of quick stress management tricks you can use to balance yourself. So get ready for your next stressful day (or hour or minute) with a few of these ideas.


Music works surprisingly well to get your stress under control. When the pressure ramps up, turn to your stress-busting playlists. Subscribe to a music service that you can carry with you on your phone and tablet, and set up playlists for energy and relaxation. Then hit “play” when you need to.


Also, develop a couple hobbies you can quickly immerse yourself in when you’re feeling stressed. Perhaps you like to paint or sew. Then have a project going at all times. You can work on it for a few minutes and feel your stress melt away.

Just remember to give yourself permission to take a break and pursue your hobbies. They are important for your mental health, and you don’t have to feel guilty for having fun. The work will be there later, and you’ll return to it refreshed.


Never neglect to get the support you need when you’re feeling stressed. This might be as simple as calling up a friend and chatting for a while. You might make plans to go out for the afternoon and do something you both enjoy.

You may also decide to try a support group, especially if your stress arises from a specific issue. Getting together with people experiencing similar difficulties lets you know that you aren’t alone. You might even learn some tips and tricks that have worked for others.

Finally, don’t hesitate to turn to anxiety therapy if your stress levels become overwhelming. Your therapist can help you manage your stress and get to the root causes of it.

So when your stress threatens to give you a bad day, try some of these quick stress management techniques, and feel better.