Whether you are considering a tattoo or already have one, you should know some essential facts. In this article, you'll learn what you should know about fine-line tattoos, including whether or not they'll last and the size and placement...
Do you want to start a Botox maintenance regimen? There's a reason Botox is the top-selling minimally-invasive beauty procedure. This super-effective anti-aging treatment can smooth wrinkles, improve loss of facial symmetry, and reduce under-eye bags. It sounds scary and expensive, but...
Did you know that an estimated 84.5 million Americans suffer from skin conditions? Healthy skin starts deep within a person. While cracking or flaking skin may be the first thing most of us think of when we think of skincare,...
Are you constantly trying to battle those blemishes in your skin? Have you tried endless products to get your skin to a healthy state but nothing is working? Everybody can use a little help once in a while with their...
For most women and a fair number of men, their hair, regardless of its style, color, cut, and length, contributes to how they appear to others and feel inside. For this reason, taking care of your hair health is...
Does your hair look dry and frizzy? If so, you're not doing your hair any favors by skipping out on the importance of hydration. Thankfully, you can easily add hair hydration to your beauty regimen, no matter how low-maintenance you...
Are you planning to visit a skin clinic? Your skin is one of the first things that people notice about you. It's the gateway to your body and gives the world an indication of your health. However, those who receive the...
Are you losing weight? Chewing more? Experiencing tooth sensitivity? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes," it's likely that you're experiencing dental erosion. And it's time to talk to your dentist about missing teeth. Lost teeth can cause...
Fun, charisma, and a welcoming personality are essential to a beautiful person. These attributes make up a feature that most people cherish in others. Most people that hate the way they look are willing to strive hard to make a...
Do you want a completely rejuvenated complexion? Are you tired of frown lines or hyperhidrosis (excessive sweating) ruining your daily life, whilst desperately seeking a natural alternative to surgery? Botox can help you. Believe it or not, Botox is one...