6 Personal Trainer Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

personal trainer marketing mistakes

Imagine that every time you post on social media, someone sees it. How many people would see your posts every day?

According to statistics, 1.73 billion people across the globe use Facebook at least once per day. If you set up a business page to post your fitness content, those posts will have a lot of eyes on them!

Be careful with common personal trainer marketing mistakes. Stick to what traditional marketing calls best practices to increase your customers’ exposure to your content.

Here are a few best practices to help your fitness posts go viral.

1. Marketing Without a Strategy

This makes it difficult to know if a particular approach is effective and profitable or not. Efforts will be wasted on tactics that have no track record or research data to back up their efficacy.

Personal trainers should start by defining their target customers and designing a plan that aligns with their goals. The plan should also include a strategy for tracking customer engagement and analyzing the effectiveness of marketing campaigns. 

2. Not Valuing Yourself Appropriately

Offering discounts and deals that don’t benefit your business should be avoided. Instead, charge clients based on your experience and the value of your services.

When marketing yourself and your business, highlight the value of your services and the qualifications that you offer. Make sure you have certificates of being a personal trainer. You can go online and search personal trainer websites to learn more on how to get certified. 

3. Focusing Only on New Clients

Current clients can be a great source of additional referrals. Not taking the time to nurture relationships with current and past clients could result in them choosing to work with someone else or signing up with a different facility.

Personal trainers should focus on offering something of value to new and existing clients. This could include exclusive access to content, discounts, or any other special offers. A personal trainer should also make efforts to engage with clients through social media, email, and other channels. 

4. Targeting Wrong Clients

Mistakes such as targeting clients with different goals and physical abilities than you can help with, and undercutting yourself with low prices. It is essential to understand what kind of clients you are best able to serve. Making sure to stay informed on current trends in fitness. 

5. Not Having Any Online Presence

Create a website outlining your services and expert advice. You can also use various social media platforms to stay connected with current and potential clients. Interacting with them through your personal profiles, as well as having a prominent business page, can help build your online image. 

Ensure your website or application has a search engine optimization component. Having a blog or vlog showcasing your experience and tips can help you drive more traffic. 

6. Offering and Marketing Uniform Services

Understand client goals and introduce custom training plans tailored for each individual. Personal trainers should avoid using generic quotes or phrases that have no meaning. Personalizing the experience by providing examples and stories that relate to the client will make them feel more valued. 

Avoid These Common Personal Trainer Marketing Mistakes

Be mindful of your marketing efforts by implementing consistent messages across channels, using a variety of methods, and making sure your online presence is up to date. By avoiding these common personal trainer marketing mistakes, you’ll be in a great position to reach new clients and retain current ones.

Ready to take your business to the next level? Start with a comprehensive website review today!

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