Businesses can face constant change. One day you're actively hiring more employees, and the next, you have no more room for new hires. The digital age makes for constant change. Businesses should embrace change. With constant change, they can always...
Do you feel as though your day could be more organized? To combat this, many people have started to use a simple strategy known as time blocking. Time blocking is setting your schedule in advance with specific tasks. This will help...
How much money have you spent attempting to avoid penalties on the CMMC program? How much more do you expect to pay going forward? Human mistakes will always exist in the fast-paced commercial world of today. Yet that can't be...
According to the annual report of the Identity Theft Resource Center, the number increased 68 percent year over year. This led to thousands of businesses suffering losses. If your business was a victim of a data breach, you might dread...
Are you looking to build or repair a car or truck? Metal fabrication is a booming business. It's a process that can evolve from project to project. So it can be hard to visualize it--even for those who perform it...
Are you looking to buy software but are unsure of where to begin? Every industry has software that makes their business run more smoothly, and if you don't know what you're doing, it can be hard to find the...
Did you know that smartphone users spend an average of over 5.4 hours daily on their phones? If you are going out, consider adding a navigation app to your phone. That way, you never get lost whether driving, walking,...
The pandemic has led to more online shopping than ever before. Even so, more businesses than ever have shut their doors in the past year. Nearly 200,000 businesses closed their doors due to the pandemic alone. Now that the pandemic...
New tablet and phone models from popular companies are released yearly with improved performance and more features. The ‘ordinary consumer’ is properly served by devices created for the masses, but your company requires a device developed specifically for its...
Located north of San Francisco, Santa Rosa is a charming city with a great downtown. It is also the county seat of Sonoma County and adjacent to wine country. Montague began his appliance business in 1949 on Santa Rosa Avenue....