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Do you want to make a video for your business? Videos can help showcase your business in the best way and keep your audience engaged with your products and services. If you're just starting to make videos for your business,...
Businesses that shy away from credit card transactions are shooting themselves in the foot. Given how essential card payments are to our world, accepting credit cards is one of many business practices that can make or break a company....
Do you want to reduce your risk and set your business up for the future? You'll need robust business risk management strategies. The current state of COVID-19 has led many businesses to close up shops. Those that remain are often...
In today's highly competitive business world, customer acquisition costs (CAC) can make or break a company. The cost of acquiring new customers is becoming increasingly expensive. It can be a major hurdle for small businesses and startups to overcome. However,...
Are you looking for ways how to market your small business? In the age of the internet, it can be difficult to grow your website audience. However, you can use various types of media to help you with your business...
Do you want to advertise a business, but you're not sure how? Marketing plays an important role in growing your business, so understanding how to do it is a must. Companies will go to great lengths to advertise their business,...
Non-fungible tokens, or NFTs, have been gaining popularity in the digital asset market for the past few years and are also becoming increasingly popular with businesses. With the emergence of blockchain technology, these digital assets have become increasingly prevalent...
Far under utilized around the globe, greywater can help ease the burden on municipal water sources. But what is greywater, and why should you care? Greywater is the wastewater from showers, baths, bathroom sinks, and laundry. When used correctly, it...
Enrollment is the backbone of any university, school, or program. If you have the proper enrollment, you can keep the lights on. It's a goal that universities have been targeting for years. Many of these schools are improving at using...
Did you know that the average American has 4 credit cards? With all the marketing tactics and company swag that we see every day, it's no wonder. We want as many free items as we can get! Companies do their best...